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Empow{Her} to Change the World

These Workshops offer the tools, support and community girls need to grow into healthy strong women with passion and conviction.

What if...

  • Girls were truly equipped for the real world ahead?

  • Equal opportunities, healthy choices, and encouragement were available in abundance as they grew?

  • The media, peer pressure, and stereotypes would not be able to beat them down or crush their confidence?

  • They had the tools, support, and community they needed to grow into a healthy strong women with passion and conviction.

  • They had a community of like-minded friends... 

  • A strong understanding of their innate power over their thoughts 

  • Mind & body tools that they can use in ALL situations 

  • Confidence to make healthy choices for their bodies 

  • A craft to illustrate the many lessons of each workshop 

GiRLiFE U's mission is to positively impact the lives of girls when they need it most. Its goal is to create a world where there are NO limits, NO stereotypes, NO impossible expectations of perfection and beauty… where girls are truly equipped for the real world ahead. 

As a Certified Girlife and Women's Empowerment Coach...I'm incredibly passionate about helping girls discover their unique superpowers, and I believe that now more than ever our girls need a program like this. It's essential to instill in them the deep understanding that they possess boundless strength and resilience to navigate any challenges that come their way.

In these workshops we'll not only nurture the minds and bodies of our young participants but also introduce them to the wonderful world of horses. Through our engaging sessions, they will learn valuable life lessons for themselves and from these magnificent beings.

We'll combine the insights from our workshops and the time with our equine friends to create profound experiences that reflect the valuable lessons we've learned together.

Your support is invaluable as I wholeheartedly share this program with our community, and I look forward to welcoming your daughters to one or all of my winter workshop series in the near future…stay tuned…

In the meantime, please join my Facebook Group to learn more about how you can empower yourself and our girls ….

Some of the workshops available include:

Winter Workshop Series begin December 3

  • Location: Gilbertsville (The Barn)

  • Sunday 12/3 9:00-10:30 a.m.

  • Introductory Price: Save 20% - $128 for 4 workshops

$40 for one workshop 

Email me with questions

Welcome to a space of solace and healing, dedicated to those who have experienced the profound grief of losing a cherished pet.

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